Transition to ABW – Change Lead, Strategy and Operational Excellence

Transport for NSW Infrastructure and Services division identified the need for change management support to assist with the relocation and transition to Activity Based Working (ABW). This initiative involved moving approximately 500 staff into three custom designed locations and implementing ABW principles into their new environment.
Transitions to Activity Based Working are far more successful where targeted and effective change management principles are applied to the stakeholder population. Successful change management leads to better adoption of the principles of ABW, fuller use of the space and technology and lessens the psychological impact on staff.
TCS provided a Change Director on a part time basis and a full time Principal Change Manager to provide support with the transition from a traditional office based work environment to an Activity Based Work (ABW) environment where staff are not allocated a specific desk but are encouraged to work flexibly & collaboratively using a variety of spaces. The support was provided prior, during and immediately post the transition to the new work environment & location via:
- Site visits with stakeholders to existing ABW offices and to their new ABW offices ahead of the move
- Consultation with managers and other key representatives to consider specific needs to individuals and team requirements
- Refining, communicating and embedding the new principles (etiquette) required to work in ABW, enabling staff to be aware of the mind set shift required for transition
- Running awareness sessions with managers and staff to set out what the transition will look like, when it will occur and setting expectations
- Defining and organising steps to reduce paper usage and manage records before Activity Based Working
- Coaching managers to support their teams with the transition to ABW
- On the ground support pre, during and immediately post the move to ABW