The restaurant industry has been under intense scrutiny from both the Fair Work Ombudsman and the media over the past year and we understand the need to proactively help the industry to become compliant within a very complex industrial legislative system.
Based on the needs of some of our clients within the hospitality sector we developed and piloted a workshop for restaurant and café businesses to help them navigate their compliance requirements under Australian workplace legislation.
Participants at the training developed a deeper understanding of their responsibilities as employers and sought to make immediate changes to ensure that their staff were receiving the correct wages and entitlements. We are now looking to partner with the Restaurant & Catering Industry Association to roll this training out to a broader audience.
We have a long history in training workplace legislation since 2006, so have an excellent grasp of the industrial relations landscape, including historical and transitional arrangements. Our training programs are highly practical, and we use plain English to explain complex legislation.